Some Updates

Hi guys! Here are some updates: I’m currently making the event certificates. Ardelyla and Yosua – please message me your full name. @azleila @priskawidiyanto There are some of you who haven’t submitted your story text for Summer Camp book. Due date is this Saturday 10PM. @margarethham @shfazizah @kenzieizwar (alisha) If you want a custom shortContinue reading “Some Updates”

Cool Idols

Lalalala black pink black pink… ahem! No, they’re not KPOP-ers, guys xD They’re the unsung heroes of the fantasia kingdom, defenders of the light, running through the battlefield of orcs, goblins, and dragons with their sword and shield–wait. Wrong script! Okay, fine FINE. They’re like the Avengers, okay, only much cuter. SO THERE. Congrats @luvkoalaContinue reading “Cool Idols”

Happy Camper

Can you finish at least 3 challenges every week? Of course! Some of these people even almost complete all of the assignments, just missing one or two days! Let’s dance with the Happy Campers! Congrats @authorshaa1487 @azleila @arnaraliviuselsyifa @thiara26 @khalisa091 @slebhou74 @zefanyakuspriyatna @melvinachen @sarahtanujaya @seterahmaudipanggilapa

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